1. Restart your system.
2.Copy and save the below script as "uninstall-commerce-sitecore.ps1"
#define parameters
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
#Write-TaskHeader function modified from SIF
Function Write-TaskHeader {
function StringFormat {
[string]$prefix = '',
[string]$postfix = '',
# wraps string in spaces so we reduce length by two
$length = $length - 2 #- $postfix.Length - $prefix.Length
if($value.Length -gt $length){
# Reduce to length - 4 for elipsis
$value = $value.Substring(0, $length - 4) + '...'
$value = " $value "
$value = $value.PadRight($length, '*')
} else {
$value = $value.PadLeft($length, '*')
return $prefix + $value + $postfix
$actualWidth = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width
$width = $actualWidth - ($actualWidth % 2)
$half = $width / 2
$leftString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskName -prefix '[' -postfix ':'
$rightString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskType -postfix ']' -padright
$message = ($leftString + $rightString)
Write-Host ''
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor 'Red'
Function Remove-Service{
if(Get-Service "My Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
sc.exe delete $serviceName
Function Remove-Website{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete site $siteName
Function Remove-AppPool{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete apppool $appPoolName
#Stop Solr Service
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Stop"
Write-Host "Stopping solr service"
Stop-Service $SolrService -Force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr service stopped successfully"
#Delete solr cores
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Delete Cores"
Write-Host "Deleting Solr Cores"
$pathToCores = "$pathToSolr\server\solr\$Prefix*"
Remove-Item $pathToCores -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr Cores deleted successfully"
#Remove Sites and App Pools from IIS
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Internet Information Services" -TaskType "Remove Websites"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceOpsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceShopsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceAuthoringSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceMinionsSiteName "
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreBizFxSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceOpsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceShopsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceAuthoringSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceMinionsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreBizFxSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "SQL Server" -TaskType "Drop Databases"
#Drop databases from SQL
Write-Host "Dropping databases from SQL server"
import-module sqlps
Write-Host $("Dropping database SitecoreCommerce9_Global")
$commerceDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_Global]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($commerceDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $commerceDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host $("Dropping database [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
$sharedDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($sharedDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $sharedDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Databases dropped successfully"
3. Change the Parameter values
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
4. Save and Close the power shell script.
5. Run power shell as administrator.
6. navigate to the path of uninstall script.
7. run the uninstallation script.
2.Copy and save the below script as "uninstall-commerce-sitecore.ps1"
#define parameters
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
#Write-TaskHeader function modified from SIF
Function Write-TaskHeader {
function StringFormat {
[string]$prefix = '',
[string]$postfix = '',
# wraps string in spaces so we reduce length by two
$length = $length - 2 #- $postfix.Length - $prefix.Length
if($value.Length -gt $length){
# Reduce to length - 4 for elipsis
$value = $value.Substring(0, $length - 4) + '...'
$value = " $value "
$value = $value.PadRight($length, '*')
} else {
$value = $value.PadLeft($length, '*')
return $prefix + $value + $postfix
$actualWidth = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width
$width = $actualWidth - ($actualWidth % 2)
$half = $width / 2
$leftString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskName -prefix '[' -postfix ':'
$rightString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskType -postfix ']' -padright
$message = ($leftString + $rightString)
Write-Host ''
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor 'Red'
Function Remove-Service{
if(Get-Service "My Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
sc.exe delete $serviceName
Function Remove-Website{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete site $siteName
Function Remove-AppPool{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete apppool $appPoolName
#Stop Solr Service
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Stop"
Write-Host "Stopping solr service"
Stop-Service $SolrService -Force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr service stopped successfully"
#Delete solr cores
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Delete Cores"
Write-Host "Deleting Solr Cores"
$pathToCores = "$pathToSolr\server\solr\$Prefix*"
Remove-Item $pathToCores -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr Cores deleted successfully"
#Remove Sites and App Pools from IIS
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Internet Information Services" -TaskType "Remove Websites"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceOpsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceShopsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceAuthoringSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceMinionsSiteName "
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreBizFxSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceOpsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceShopsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceAuthoringSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceMinionsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreBizFxSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "SQL Server" -TaskType "Drop Databases"
#Drop databases from SQL
Write-Host "Dropping databases from SQL server"
import-module sqlps
Write-Host $("Dropping database SitecoreCommerce9_Global")
$commerceDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_Global]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($commerceDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $commerceDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host $("Dropping database [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
$sharedDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($sharedDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $sharedDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Databases dropped successfully"
3. Change the Parameter values
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
4. Save and Close the power shell script.
5. Run power shell as administrator.
6. navigate to the path of uninstall script.
7. run the uninstallation script.
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