1. Restart your system.
2.Copy and save the below script as "uninstall-commerce-sitecore.ps1"
#define parameters
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
#Write-TaskHeader function modified from SIF
Function Write-TaskHeader {
function StringFormat {
[string]$prefix = '',
[string]$postfix = '',
# wraps string in spaces so we reduce length by two
$length = $length - 2 #- $postfix.Length - $prefix.Length
if($value.Length -gt $length){
# Reduce to length - 4 for elipsis
$value = $value.Substring(0, $length - 4) + '...'
$value = " $value "
$value = $value.PadRight($length, '*')
} else {
$value = $value.PadLeft($length, '*')
return $prefix + $value + $postfix
$actualWidth = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width
$width = $actualWidth - ($actualWidth % 2)
$half = $width / 2
$leftString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskName -prefix '[' -postfix ':'
$rightString = StringFormat -length $half -value $TaskType -postfix ']' -padright
$message = ($leftString + $rightString)
Write-Host ''
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor 'Red'
Function Remove-Service{
if(Get-Service "My Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
sc.exe delete $serviceName
Function Remove-Website{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete site $siteName
Function Remove-AppPool{
$appCmd = "C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe"
& $appCmd delete apppool $appPoolName
#Stop Solr Service
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Stop"
Write-Host "Stopping solr service"
Stop-Service $SolrService -Force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr service stopped successfully"
#Delete solr cores
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Solr Services" -TaskType "Delete Cores"
Write-Host "Deleting Solr Cores"
$pathToCores = "$pathToSolr\server\solr\$Prefix*"
Remove-Item $pathToCores -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Solr Cores deleted successfully"
#Remove Sites and App Pools from IIS
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "Internet Information Services" -TaskType "Remove Websites"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceOpsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceShopsSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceAuthoringSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $CommerceMinionsSiteName "
Remove-Website -siteName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreBizFxSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Write-Host "Deleting Website $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName"
Remove-Website -siteName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceOpsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceShopsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceAuthoringSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $CommerceMinionsSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreBizFxSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Application pools deleted"
Remove-AppPool -appPoolName $SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -ErrorAction stop
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceOpsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceShopsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceAuthoringSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$CommerceMinionsSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreBizFxSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Remove-Item C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName -recurse -force -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Websites removed from wwwroot"
Write-TaskHeader -TaskName "SQL Server" -TaskType "Drop Databases"
#Drop databases from SQL
Write-Host "Dropping databases from SQL server"
import-module sqlps
Write-Host $("Dropping database SitecoreCommerce9_Global")
$commerceDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_Global]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($commerceDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $commerceDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host $("Dropping database [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
$sharedDbPrefix = $("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS [SitecoreCommerce9_SharedEnvironments]")
Write-Host $("Query: $($sharedDbPrefix)")
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlServer -U $SqlAccount -P $SqlPassword -Query $sharedDbPrefix -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Databases dropped successfully"
3. Change the Parameter values
[string]$Prefix = 'XXXX',
[string]$CommerceOpsSiteName = 'CommerceOps_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceShopsSiteName = 'CommerceShops_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceAuthoringSiteName = 'CommerceAuthoring_Sc9',
[string]$CommerceMinionsSiteName = 'CommerceMinions_Sc9',
[string]$SitecoreBizFxSiteName = 'SitecoreBizFx',
[string]$SitecoreIdentityServerSiteName = 'SitecoreIdentityServer',
[string]$SolrService = 'Solr',
[string]$PathToSolr = 'C:\Solr\Solr-6.6.2',
[string]$SqlServer = 'XXXXXXX',
[string]$SqlAccount = 'sa',
[string]$SqlPassword = 'XXXXXXX'
4. Save and Close the power shell script.
5. Run power shell as administrator.
6. navigate to the path of uninstall script.
7. run the uninstallation script.